Armandii Snowdrift

Clematis Armandii Snowdrift
Scented flowers
Color: White
Flowering: March to April
Height: 4.5 m
Spread: 3.5 m
Rate of growth: fast-growing
Growing condition: Full Sun 

Pruning group: 1

I chose to have a Snowdrift because it is evergreen and it's nice to see some color in the garden in the winter.
I planted it in the late spring of 2020, so it only made a few flowers. 
Now, it is the end of October and it is still making few flowers on the new branches.

Instead it grew quite large during the summer time (about 2 meters high).
It's a bit bushy at the top because I wanted to let it grow as much as possible.

Clematis Armandii Snowdrift, Autumn 2020

I look forward to April 2021 to see how many flowers it makes
I'll keep you posted with pictures

The first spring of Clematis Armandii Snowdrift in my garden.
Clematis Armandii Snowdrift
Clematis Armandii Snowdrift 03.04.2021

Stunning, an explosion of flowers. It started to bloom very early (end of February), but during March more and more buds started to appear, and at the end of March - the beginning of April, Armandii Snowdrift is in full bloom.

This clematis has a very fast growth, it is really a problem to keep it under control.
The new branches grow very fast and the leaves cling to each other in the desire to climb up. I spent a few hours untangling the leaves so I could tie the branches horizontally
I will see how I can cut it and redirect it in such a way as to make flowers on the largest possible surface.

Scented flowers, evergreen, hardy frost, early spring flowering.
💙💙💙💙💙 from 5
Only issue is that it blooms only once.
(that is why I grow a climbing rose next to this clematis 😊)

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