Begonia Bossa Nova


Colour: Soft yellow
Long Blooming: Late Spring to Fall
Height: 40 cm
Spread: 50 cm
Growing conditions: Full sun, partial shade, full shade
Best planting in Container and Hanging Baskets

Planted in mid-Summer 2020
Position: East facing

I like it. At least the one who is in the basket next to the shed, with full sun only 3-4 hours a day has developed very nicely. I didn't think begonias would withstand so well. As I said before, if you find the right spot, it will make a waterfall of flowers. Non-stop flowering even at the end of October.
Despite the very fragile appearance, they doing very well when there is space to flow.
I'm waiting for all the flowers to fall and the leaves to turn yellow to prepare it for the winter.

💙💙💙💙💙 from 5

Overwintering tuberous Begonia

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