Diseases - Clematis Wilt

 Clematis wilt is a fungal disease of clematis

The fungus causes rapid wilting and can kill the whole plant.

How to recognize clematis wilt.

When fungal infection occurs through the leaves, these wilt and the leaf stalks turn black.

If you do not intervene quickly leaf infection is followed by rapid wilting of the stems.

Fungal infection can also occur through stems but no one really realizes it because we usually look at what the leaves look like.

The affected area must be cut immediate and without mercy. I know it hurts. I cut clematis affected by this disease even at the base, and healthy young shoots emerged from the base of the affected stems. New shoots came out from the ground even a few cm from the affected base.

Unfortunately, There are no chemicals available to treat wilt clematis.

Just cut

 For more information and tips on how to avoid this disease you can read on the RHS page

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