Fuchsia Margareth Kendrich

Fuchsia Margareth Kendrich Summer

Tube color : Rose 
Sepal color : Dark rose 
Corolla color : White veined rose
Corolla opening color : White veined rose
Petal margins : Wavy
Flower : Double
Flowering: Summer to late Autumn
Height: 1.3 m
Spread: 0.7 m
Growing conditions: Full sun or Partial shade

I bought it in early Summer 2020
Position: West facing, Full shade (next to the fence)
I initially kept it in full sun but it doesn't seem to like it very much, so I moved it into the shade of the fence. It is also a great water drinker, it must be watered almost daily.

Queen of the Fuchsias
I kept it all Summer in the original pot, and I want to move it in to a bigger terracotta pot after it stop flowering......but this Fuchsia look like never stop flowering.
It's November 21 and it's full of buds and flowers.
A real delight.

Prune in early to mid-spring when severe weather is past and growth buds are beginning to swell.
Fuchsia produces blooms only on new wood.
Avoid pruning hardy fuchsia in winter unless you live in a warm, non-freezing climate.

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