How to prune climbers and wall shrubs

Vigorous climbers (Pruning group 11)
Examples: Akebia, Eccremocarpus, honeysuckle (Lonicera), Parthenocissus, Trachelospermum, Vitis.

Those that flower on the previous year's growth should be pruned after flowering and where flowering occurs on the current year's growth prune in late winter or spring.
No regular pruning needed. However trimming may be required to keep them to the space available, removing as much from the longer shoots as necessary.

Moderately vigorous climbers (Pruning group 12)
Examples: Bougainvillea, Plumbago, Solanum crispum, Sollya heterophylla.

Annually; after flowering for those that flower on the previous year's growth, or in late winter or early spring for those flowering on the current year's growth.
Shorten sideshoots to within three to four buds of the permanent framework of branches. This induces more compact growth and promotes the formation of flower buds in the shortened shoots. Overcrowded, diseased or damaged shoots can be removed at the same time.

Wall trained shrubs (Pruning group 13)
Examples: Camellia, Ceanothus, Chaenomeles, Garrya, Fuchsia, Magnolia grandiflora, Pyracantha

Annually; after flowering for those that flower on the previous year's growth, or in late winter or early spring for those flowering on the current year's growth.
Shorten sideshoots to within two to four buds of the permanent framework of branches. Remove shoots growing towards the wall.

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