Lavandula Lavenite Petite

I don't know exactly what types of lavender I have, because the full name is not written on the tags at the garden center. I will try to find exactly the type of lavender

Lavandula Augustiflora

This is clear english lavender, by the type of flower I think it is Lavenite Petite 😃

English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Lavenite Petite

Aromatic foliage
Colors: Blue purple
Flowering: Summer
Height: 60 cm
Soread: 60 cm
Growing conditions: Full sun

First Summer 2020

Initially I planted 4 in the fall of 2019, but in the spring 2 of them were in the shade of tulips and did not grow, so I was left with only 2 that grew very well, bloomed and continue to be blue at in the middle of October.

This made me try to take care of how I plant and where. I don't want a plant which need full sunlight and that comes out later to have no direct sunlight because it is in the shade of another one. Or in this case, after a plant that grows earlier, to put another one that loves shade.

This type of lavender is very resistant, makes many flowers, lasts a long time, has a very intense color and a very strong scent, and look great next to other flowers.

English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Lavenite Petite

The best time to harvest English lavender is when the buds have formed on the plant but the flowers have not yet opened. Lavender flowers harvested at this time of year will fall off the stems more easily when dry, making it easier to collect. Closed buds will also retain fragrance and color longer.

This is optional but you get more flowers if you do...
Right after the first flush of flowers, just cut off the spent flower stalks. This will encourage a stronger second flush of flowers.

A hard pruning required after flowering, in August/September. Remove flower stalks and about an inch (2 cm) of the current year’s growth, making sure that green growth remains, this will prepare the plant for winter and encourage more blooms for next springtime.

Personally, I didn't cut lavender until October.
It made too many flowers and kept its color until mid-autumn. I'm not a lavender grower so I'm not very interested in harvesting. I want to enjoy it in the garden. Anyway, I dried the flowers  and put them in small scented bags.
Very scented bags.......😊😊😊

💙💙💙💙💙 from 5

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