Things to do in Autumn

In autumn there is a lot to do in the garden, you have to prepare the plants for winter, to plant the bulbs for spring, to divide, to renew, and last but not least, to clean the garden.

Prune Lavender (late August - September)

How to prune English Lavender

How to prune French and Spanish Lavender

Divide Summer blooming perennials (September to November)

Click to see how to do it

Divide or prepare Lilies bulbs for winter

How to overwinter Lilies bulbs

Prepare Begonias tubers for winter

Click to see how

Prepare Dahlias tubers for winter

Click to see how

Plant Spring and Summer flowering bulbs (September to November)
such as crocus, daffodils, tulips

How to plant Spring and Summer flowering bulbs

Plant Vegetables 

Vegetables to Grow Over Winter

Make a bulb lasagne for Spring Flowering (September to November)

Because in September and October UK climate is mild, I prefer to plant crocus and daffodils in November, along with tulip bulbs in the method called by Dutch: Bulbs lasagne.

How to make a bulb lasagne

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