
Colors: Yellow
Flowering: Late Spring and Summer
Height: 30 cm
Spread: Just under the surface the plant sends out runners, called stolons, which means it can quickly spread.
Growing conditions: Full Sun, Partial Shade

Spring and Summer 2020
In Spring time I had a Ranunculus in a floral arrangement.

Ranunculus Spring Summer Bulbs Flowers

After it stopped flowering, I planted it in the ground and... surprise ... it bloomed again. 

Ranunculus Spring Summer Bulbs Flowers

Ranunculus are from corms that can be dig out in the fall, but many people prefer to treat it as an annual and plant fresh bulbs every year.
Ranunculus bulbs can survive outside in the ground where the winter is mild so

Overall it is a very beautiful flower that looks like a combination of peonies and roses.
I look forward to the spring of 2021 to see if it blossoms wherever runners have spread.

The ideal planting for the south of the UK is mid-March. In the midlands, plant them at the end of March and in the north, plant them in mid-April

Pruning: Dead head regularly to encourage more flowers.
Do not cut the foliage down until the plants are fully dormant.

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