Roemeriana Hot Trumpets


Salvia Roemeriana Hot Trumpets

Aromatic leaves
Colour: Bright red
Flowering: From Summer into Autumn
Height: 0.5 m
Spread: 0.5 m
Growing conditions: Full sun
Pruning: Remove flower spikes as they fade to prolong flowering

How to prune Salvias (Groups)

First Summer 2020

I'm disappointed.

I bought it in early summer 2020. I kept it in a pot with Lobelia and Salvia Jezebel in a floral arrangement until Autumn.
In contrast to the Jezebel who went very well even after it was planted in the groundRoemeriana Hot Trumpets did not bloom at all after the flowers he had withered.
I hope next year to recover and blooming. I'll keep you posted.

The flowers looks like Agastache Kudos Coral

Pests: Generally pest free

Diseases: Generally disease free

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