Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine

Evergreen Perennial 
Color: White
Flowering: Summer
Height: 20 m
Spread: 2.5 m
Growing conditions: Full sun or Partial shade
Pruning: Pruning group 11 in early spring

Late Summer of 2020 

I bought it and planted it (east facing, full sun) in the late summer after the flowers withered. Actually, it made few flowers until autumn, but not the waterfall of flowers that I expect next summer.
I can confirm that the flowers are highly fragrant.

I know it has a slow growth, but I'm happy with how much it grew from summer to January.

Photo taken in the winter time

Star Jasmine Fragrant Evergreen Perennial White Flowers

Pests: Susceptible to cushion scale, may be affected by mealybugs and glasshouse red spider mite under glass.
Diseases: Generally disease free.

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