Summer Song

I Bought it from David Austin in February 2020 (root)
Planted in February 2020 (in the pot)

Summer Song shrub Rose David Austin

Type: Shrub
Flowering : Repeat
Colour: Orange-red
Fragrance: Strong (tea)
Bloom size : Medium
Size : Medium 4 ft (1.25 m)
Growing condition : Full sunlight

First Summer 2020

Planted in the pot.
Position: East facing.
My first impression is that the flowers are too big for the stems. The branches cannot support the weight of the rose and the flowers are oriented downwards (they needed to be tied to bamboo). 
I hope this was because they were planted and sprouted later than the roses planted in December.
It didn't make many flowers, maybe for the same reason.
Does not withstand very well in full sunlight, many of the flowers wither before flowering completely 😢.
I will pay special attention to it next summer.
The color is unreal, very very beautiful roses, strong scent.

That why I give it
💙💙💙💙 from 5

Summer Song shrub Rose David Austin

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